

The files on our Supplementary Resources page are of several types and for a variety of purposes:

  • Video lectures are required for online and GIS students as listed in the syllabus schedule. Seated students may access these on their own to supplement class lectures. (For instance, you may want to download these to help you follow along in class.) Seated students may also be required by the professor to use these to compensate for snow days, etc.
  • Additional required materials for all students (seated, online, and GIS) as listed in the syllabus schedule.
  • Backup documents for required broken links in the syllabus schedule. 
  • Supplementary materials may be available for your own enrichment at your initiative and/of for the professor to use spontaneously to enrich the class.
  • Note that units which do not contain files are not visible.

Blessings, BRM

Unit 1: Pneumatology​ ​1 (The Holy Spirit) Nature and the Currency of the Gifts or The Holy Spirit: Who Is He and Are the Gifts for Today?

Unit 2: ​Pneumatology​ ​2​ (The Holy Spirit) Spirit Baptism, Initial Evidence, Miracles

Unit 3: ​Ecclesiology​ ​1​ (The Church) Background, Definition, Mission

Unit 5: ​Eschatology​ ​1​ (Death and the End Times) Background, Personal Eschatology

This is a brief poem about Christian death. Blessings, BRM

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Unit 5: Pt 1, Through a Glass Darkly, Bruce R. Marino

Below, in nine sections, is a copy of my PhD dissertation: Through a Glass Darkly, The Eschatological Vision of John Wesley. It is rumored that extensive reading of this makes one long for the end... Enjoy! Blessings, BRM

Unit 6: ​Eschatology​ ​General or What are the End Times Like?

As a seminary intern, I was in a play in a local church. It was written by a parishioner. It was about the final judgment in heaven. I thought the play was awful but I had to do it - duty and grades, etc. There were three redeeming features: (1) I was (type?) cast to play God. In this role, I got to send people to hell and other good things. (You'll have to read it...) (2) Everyone enjoyed when, during a deadly (appropriately) rehearsal, I lit off an aerosol can whilst sending another poor sinner to damnation in the church vestibule. (An odd place to locate the Lake of Fire.) (3) I had enough clout with the author to be able to rewrite my part. This is that rewritten part with a bit of commentary. Blessings, BRM

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Unit 0: Syllabus, Memory Banks, Essay/PowerPoint topics